No more noindex in robots.txt, REP to become standard

A pedant’s wet dream: after 25 years of widespread use of the REP standard responsible for communicating with crawlers via robots.txt, Google has submitted a proposal to the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) organization to standardize the protocol. There are also minor changes for us gray SEOs. A little REP history REP or robots exclusion […]

CSS font-display in speed optimization

Two-three years ago, the following post might have been of interest at most to an extremely jaded front-end worker, but in no way to an SEOwoman. But times are changing, and in the pursuit of a better score in performance tests, you have to expand your know-how with new tricks. Especially those that require only […]

Creativity in SEO based on Big Data.

In recent years, we’ve been hearing a lot about Big Data in e-commerce. And while most of us are roughly familiar with the term, few know the answer to the question: how can I use Big Data in SEO for my e-commerce? The days of manual data acquisition in the SEO industry are thankfully long […]